My name is Julia, I am 18 years old, I live in The Hague, The Netherlands. Julia Dream is my blog about the things I like: art, photography, music, fashion and travelling. This is the place where I share the things that are on my mind.
Wow, I've just discovered that The Julia Dream is actually an existing band. Guess my blog name is not that original...
Important: You can read my blog theme by theme as you navigate through the menu above, or you can browse through my archive at the bottom of every page.
Note: As for the 'style' section of my blog, I have something to say. I live by a few style rules that do not revolve around 'never wear black with pink' or whatever. I am a normal 18-year-old girl, so naturally, I can not afford designer clothes. But cheap clothing presented by fast fashion chain stores is often produced by manual workers in terrible circumstances for extremely low wages. I do not want to contribute to this form of exploitation. On top of that, overproduction is one of the fashion industry's main problems. You can see how this puts me in a dilemma. I have taken a vow a couple of months ago that I would never again buy clothing at a fast fashion chain store. Unfortunately, I am forced to make exceptions. It is not quite possible to buy things like swimwear or tights or fitting jeans at a second hand store. But at least I am trying to do it right. I should probably look into 'fair' and 'eco-friendly' clothes, but clothing with a clear conscience comes usually with a price tag. So my wardrobe consists mostly of second hand findings, clothing I lent or got as a gift from my boyfriend, my dad, my grandma, my mother or my friends, combined with a few fast fashion pieces.
Well, as I have informed you of my struggle with fashion's down side, you are free to further explore my blog! But know that it is perfectly possible to never buy a piece of clothing over €50 and still look all right, and being someone who loves fashion while acknowledging the imperfections of the fashion industry and trying to do something about it.
My blog has its own soundtrack, isn't that just amazing?
If you have a question about something, you can email me at !
You can find me on twitter here.
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thank you <3