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    LL Love

    So I went to Lowlands festival last weekend AND IT WAS SUPER AWESOME. I've seen some very good bands, I've had lots of fun with my friends and the weather was great. But as I don't have the time and space to tell you every single aspect of the awesomeness, I just made this video to show you. Because that usually works a hell of a lot better. Don't forget to turn on HD!
    I dip-dyed my hair turqoise for the festival! I am really psyched about how it turned out, but it is fading really quick. (Like in 3 days the colour's almost gone, while it says 3 weeks on the bottle). Here's a good photo of my coloured hair:
    Green in the train
    I also made some collages of the photos I took on the festival with my friends :)
    Me and Nynde, me Myrthe & Ariana, the festival site
    Festival camping, me Myrthe & Ariana, me Lide & Esther
    Some more photos that Nynde took and I edited:
    I've got a lot more pictures to show you but that will have to wait until another post! Tell me what you think.


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    thank you <3